ICDM Call for Paper |
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ICDM´2009 |
Call for Paper
9th Industrial Conference on Data Mining ICDM´2009
July 20 - 22, 2009, Leipzig/Germany
The Aim of the Conference
This conference is the eight conference in a series of industrial
conferences on Data Mining that will be held on yearly basis. Experts from different
fields will present their applications and the results obtained by applying data
mining. Besides that, newcomers in the field can get a fast introduction to Data
Mining by taking the tutorial running in connection with the conference. In a
problem/solution hour you will have the opportunity to present your application
and ask for support by others or for cooperation in solving the problem.
Program Committee
Chair |
Petra Perner |
IBaI Leipzig, Germany |
Committee |
Klaus-Peter Adlassnig |
Medical University of Vienna, Austria |
Andrea Ahlemeyer-Stubbe |
ENBIS, Amsterdam |
Klaus-Dieter Althoff |
University of Hildesheim, Germany |
Chid Apte |
IBM Yorktown Heights, USA |
Eva Armengol |
IIA CSIC, Spain |
Isabelle Bichindaritz |
University of Washington, USA |
Leon Bobrowski |
Bialystok Technical University, Poland |
Marc Boullé |
France Télécom, France |
Henning Christiansen |
Roskilde University, Denmark |
Frans Coenen |
University of Liverpool, United Kingdom |
Juan M. Corchado |
Universidad de Salamanca, Spain |
Da Deng |
University of Otago, New Zealand |
Antonio Dourado |
University of Coimbra, Portugal |
Peter Funk |
Mälardalen University, Sweden |
Brent Gordon |
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, USA |
Gary F. Holness |
Quantum Leap Innovations Inc., USA |
Eyke Hüllermeier |
University of Marburg, Germany |
Piotr Jedrzejowicz |
Gdynia Maritime University, Poland |
Mehmed Kantardzic |
University of Louisville, USA |
Ron Kenett |
KPA Ltd., Israel |
Mineichi Kudo |
Hokkaido University, Japan |
Eduardo F. Morales |
INAOE, Ciencias Computacionales, Mexico |
Stefania Montani |
Università del Piemonte Orientale, Italy |
Eric Pauwels |
CWI Utrecht, The Netherlands |
Ashwin Ram |
Georgia Institute of Technology, USA |
Rainer Schmidt |
University of Rostock, Germany |
Yuval Shahar |
Ben Gurion University, Israel |
David Taniar |
Monash University, Australia |
Stijn Viaene |
KU Leuven, Belgium |
Rob A. Vingerhoeds |
Ecole Nationale d'Ingénieurs de Tarbes, France |
Claus Weihs |
University of Dortmund, Germany |
Terry Windeatt |
University of Surrey, UK |
An industrial exhibition running in connection with the conference will
give you the opportunity to look at new trends and systems in industry and to present your
research to industry.
Paper submission
Paper submissions should be related but not limited to any of the following topics:
Applications of Data Mining in ...
- Marketing
- Medicine
- E-Commerce (Mining Logfiles)
- Biotechnology
- Quality Management
- Multimedia Data (Image, Video, Text, Signals)
- Web-Mining
- Intrusion Detection in Networks
- Case-Based Reasoning
- Clustering
- Classification & Prediction
- Association Rules
- Telecommunication
- Design of Experiment
- Strategy of Experimentation
- Capability Indices
- Deviation and Novelty Detection
- Control Charts
- Design of Experiments
- Capability Indices
- Desirabilities
Authors can submit their paper in long or short version.
Long Paper
The paper must be formatted in the
Springer LNCS format. They should have at most 15 pages.
The papers will be reviewed by the program committee. Accepted long papers will be published
by Springer Verlag in the LNAI Series in the book Advances in Data Mining,
edited by Petra Perner.
Short Paper
Short papers are also welcome and can be used to describe work in progress
or project ideas. They can have 5 to max. 15 pages, formatted in
Springer LNCS format. Accepted short papers will be presented as poster in the poster
session. They will be published in a special poster proceedings book.
Industry Papers
We encourage industrial people to show their applications and projects for data mining.
This work can be presented as poster during the poster session in the special industry track.
Please submit a one page abstract including title, name and affilation.
Please submit your Short Paper and your Industry Paper by e-mail to info@data-mining-forum.de
Notice that the submission is NOT the registration to the conference! Please fill out the
registration form.
If you have any problem with the submission, please contact via email
Deadline Long Paper
Submission of papers: |
06.01.2009 |
Notification of acceptance: |
06.03.2009 |
Submission of camera-ready copy: |
27.04.2009 |
Deadline Short Paper
Submission of papers: |
30.04.2009 |
Deadline Industry Paper
Submission of papers: |
31.05.2009 |
Please send the Industry and Short Paper to info@data-mining-forum.de
For the latest news as well as for the program of the previous ICDM and the publications within ICDM look at http://www.data-mining-forum.de.
mission |
ICDM´2009 |
past events |
publications |
tutorial days |
Special Issue
To Appear: 2007 |
Springer Verlag
ISBN: 978-3540734345 |
Springer Verlag
ISBN: 3-540-00317-7 |
DecisionMaster |
Logfile-Analysetool NetLog |