Past events ICDM´2002

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2nd Industrial Conference on Data Mining ICDM´2002
13. 06. - 15. 06. 2002 Leipzig/Germany

Tutorial Data Mining

Dr. Petra Perner, Institute of Computer Vision and Applied Computer Sciences, Leipzig/Germany

The tutorial will give you an introduction to data mining and will describe specific data mining method such as e.g. decision tree induction, rule induction and case-based reasoning. It is an excerpt of the course Data Mining that had been given with great success at Tampere University/Finnland. The course material is based on the book P. Perner Data Mining for Multimedia Data that will be publsihed by Springer Verlag.


Part I Introduction

  1. The Data Mining Process
  2. Overview about the methods
  3. Data Preparation

Part II Data Preparation

  1. Feature Subset Selection
  2. Data Transformation

Part III Concepts for Data Mining

  1. Decision Trees
  2. Rule Induction
  3. Case-Based Reasoning
  4. Clustering
  5. Incremental Concept Learning
  6. Association Rules
  7. Visualization

Part IV Evaluation

  1. Evaluation of the Model
  2. Selection of the Method
  3. Outlook and Conclusions



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Advances in Data Mining

Special Issue
Appeared: 2006

Advances in Data Mining

IBaI Publishing
ISSN: 1865-6781

Advances in Data Mining

Springer Verlag
ISBN: 978-3540707172

Data Mining and Multimedia Data

Springer Verlag
ISBN: 3-540-00317-7



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