Past events ICDM´2001

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1st Industrial Conference on Data Mining ICDM´2001
24. 07. - 25. 07. 2001 Leipzig/Germany




A. Ahlemeyer-Stubbe

Basic Level Data Mining (Overview)

Dr. P. Perner

Advanced Level Data Mining (Introduction to the Methods)

Prof. A. Visa

Technology for Text Mining

Dr. med. U. Sack

Evaluation of clinical relevance of clinical laboratory investigations by data mining

Dr. K.-D. Althoff

Erfahrungsmanagement am Beispiel des COIN Projektes des Fraunhofer-Instituts Kaiserlautern IESE

A. Ahlemeyer-Stubbe

Analytical Customer-Relationship Management

Dr. P. Perner

Mininig Marketing Data

Dr. med. C. Simon

Data Mining for Lung Cancer Diagnosis

Dr. P. Perner

WebMining, Data Mining for E-Commerce

Dr. U. Schoenborn

Mining Criminal Records



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Advances in Data Mining

Special Issue
Appeared: 2006

Advances in Data Mining

IBaI Publishing
ISSN: 1865-6781

Advances in Data Mining

Springer Verlag
ISBN: 978-3540707172

Data Mining and Multimedia Data

Springer Verlag
ISBN: 3-540-00317-7



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